
Apps Guide

Page history last edited by Mr. Hanson 13 years, 5 months ago

Apps Guide


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This page is a collaborative effort by the group to compile some useful apps across the curriculum and grade levels.  The resources from this page will be reworked and organized into a guide for teachers.  If you have not yet added any resources, please do so ASAP.  


Name  App  Cost  Subject(s)  Grade Level(s) Description 
Andy  Dragon Dictation  Free  Language Arts, Any  K-12  Push a button and your spoken words are transformed into printed text; which can then be pasted into other applications; i.e. Google Docs 
  iBooks  Free  Any  Any  Allows anything in ePub format to be read like a book.  Using Pages or various websites, you can create almost anything to be used in book format on the iPad devices.  Plus, there are lots of free ePubs already out there!  
  Google Earth  Free  Social Studies  Any  Google Earth can be used to study places and people, or simply to "go see" any place that comes up in any other subject. 
  Kindle  Free  Any  Any  Allows for books downloaded for the Kindle to be read on iPad 
  Google Translate  Free  Any  Any  Supports tons of languages, the most common ones will translate spoken language into another language in text and even with proper audio pronunciation!   
  VLC Free Any  Any  Media player that is robust enough to accept tons of formats; no more worrying about converting to a format your machine likes.  VLC even plays the parts of corrupted files that are intact!   
  Blurb Free Any ~3-12 This is a sleek digital storytelling app that uses the media on the device to create digital narratives.  They can use pictures, audio, and even video to create stories that can then be shared with others.  Creative thinkers can use this app for all kinds of presentations, rather than simply telling a story.  
  Verbally  Free  Any  K-12  This is an app designed as a speech impediment aid for the disabled, but it can also be used to learn English.  
Bev Nye 
Mostly English/Lit 
Patrick Carman, an author who likes to marry print with multimedia has created 3:15 in his Washington studio.  The 3 stands for listen, read, watch.  The entire experience takes approximately 15 minutes. Thus, the name.  The first "episode" is free, but others will be 99 cents.  Here are the steps to the episode experience:  Watch a short teaser.  Listen to the intro.  Read (middle-school-level reading) a short story.  Most of these short stories will be scary. The first one made me tremble.   Then watch the ending.  This first one scared me to death.  This, I predict, will be motivating for my students.   



BaDaBing  Free 




BaDaBing is a free, zero latency drum kit simulator for your iPad.

  Bongos  Free 




Bongos - Dynamic Bongo Drums 

professionally recorded and mastered sounds: Depending where you hit the bongos sounds varies!

  iCongas Lite  Free 



K-12   Conga Drums that sounds great  






K-12  Kids really love this app.  Wonderful sounds!
  Percussive  Free  Xylophone  K-12   Very accurate sound of the xylophone. 
  Xylophone  Free    K-12    
  Virtuoso Piano for Free Free  Dual Piano  K-12   Great Piano that can play with two pianists.  Keyboards can be switched so each can play opposite each other.
  Garageband  $4.99 



K-12   This is my favorite app that can help students be VERY creative and become a composer in their own right.
  Bento  $4.99  Database  Teacher 

Organize student info, track assessments, plan events, and manage things, easy to use iPad personal database.  This is how I keep track of student assessments.  You MUST have Bento on the computer to sync up to.

  Dropbox  Free  Cloud based file holder  Anybody 

Stores your files when you're on the go.  Add files to your Favorites for fast, offline viewing. Easily upload photos and videos to Dropbox. Share freely with family and friends.  This is a must for me!!!

Carol Baker  Audio Memo  .99  Reading/other  anyone  Records. Does a good job of not picking up background noises. I use it so kids can hear how their reading sounds and try to improve fluency.
  SAS Flash Cards  free  any   anyone  You can create Quizes anf flashcards. Great for recalling vocabulary. 
  O!KidsVoca  2.99 language arts elementary  Sounds and meaning, some animation to explain word roots and common word parts
  Sight Words  .99  language arts  1st & 2nd  allows kids to read and spell sight words. 


(I paid 4.99 )

language arts  any  Same as board game. can play agains computer, other players, or online. Varying levels. 
Russell Kahle  Splashtop Remote 



Any  Any  Remote access to any computer with free server application.  Can control anything, multiple monitor capabilities, paid version works fast! 
  iTunes Remote  Free  Any  Any  Control iTunes using Home Sharing, start videos(not fullscreen yet), access all music, playlists, podcasts 
  Steinway Metronome  Free  Music  Any  Great metronome app with tap feature to tell you what tempo you are at.  Good on screen display that beats time. 
  iNote Trainer  3.99  Music  Any  Flashcard app for reading music notes.  Can create custom levels! 
  Noterize 3.99 Any Any Notepad that you can type or draw on.  Uses dropbox, box.net or web broswer to import pdf files.  Highlight and annotate then save changes back to the cloud.




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